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Cloud Solutions
Brevard Technologies - Cloud Solutions 1

Cloud storage and technology is the use of third party, immediate access data and information. Cloud solutions have steadily become more prominent and popular over the years because of their ability to provide excess security to information and their accessibility to users who use specific login details to obtain it. Cloud solutions typically have the capacity to store more data than the average, individually managed system, making them a great tool for companies who want to save space on localized storage.

Data Storage

The biggest benefit of cloud solutions is that they are able to store more data than ever before. This is crucial to companies that have heaps of data and information that needs to be used or obtained on a daily basis for regular functions. The data storage in our cloud solutions can increase your office computer’s capacity to hold less important information or temporary information. However, the data stored in cloud systems can be saved and secured for long-term use and accessible to those that have the right information to access it.


In order to access the data or information in the cloud systems, you will need specific login information that gives you access to the cloud. This information can be obtained manually or developed through a corporate setup from your company. For example, a cloud storage system that stores information about the company’s clients may be stored externally in the cloud. If an employee needs to access information about the company’s clients for work use, they can input their organically generated access code to enter the cloud, retrieve the information, and use it for work purposes. This information, however, is not open to the public, nor can be it obtained or logged into without the right username and passwords.


Because cloud systems cannot easily be accessed by the general public, this makes the information they store more secure and protected from outside use. We only use cloud solutions that have proven to enhance your data’s security and to protect information to the highest degree to avoid hacking and illegally obtaining information without consent. Cloud systems are protected by a series of blocks and walls that make it difficult for outsiders to attempt to break into the system and gain access to the information, unless they have the appropriate login tools and information. With added security, you can trust that your data and information will be stored with ease.


Like the security measures taken to guard the information, your data is also protected from outside use and tampering. Furthermore, we take steps when setting up the cloud systems, to ensure that others are not able to readily access your login information or impersonate you to obtain access to the cloud’s data. This is achieved through a series of security measures including knowledge testing to prevent bots from accessing the cloud, as well as security questions and trivia that have been chosen by you to verify your identity or login information.
