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Managed Solutions
Brevard Technologies - Managed Solutions 1

Managed solutions include managing the logistics and details of your company’s day-to-day operations, including software licensing, customer support, IT solutions, device checking and security, and overall support systems. We assist your company from the outside to provide more convenience and security in your day to day workplace. With our managed services, you can take the back seat and focus more on the tasks at hand, rather than the details that go into your technological systems and their functions.


Our consulting services are provided to clients that are unsure about how to move their company operations into the future and need assistance to do so. Our consulting services can be achieved at a low cost to you and encompass your needs specifically when seeking out how to integrate new technologies and devices into your workplace. Such items can include understand convergence and how new devices can limit the effort and amount of time spent on individual one-service devices, as well as how to optimize your cloud services, and wireless solutions. We’re here to cater our expert advice on your company’s demands for a more efficient and productive work environment.

Software Support

Software support is another service we provide in terms of understanding your new software and managing it with greater ease. If you have a new device or software implemented and aren’t sure how to troubleshoot or operate it, we’re here to make the job a little easier. Just get in contact with us directly and we’ll walk you through how to use the software, from start to finish, and what ways it can be maximized for the best outcome and efficiency. Our software support can be done in person or over the phone, whichever you prefer and depending on the urgency of the needs.

Help Desk

Our help desk is available to you at all times when you need it most. If you operate a business and are having trouble with a system that we’ve recommended or helped install, our help desk hotline is accessible to you for further assistance. Through our help desk number, we attempt to troubleshoot your problems over the phone, via email, or in person and provide the highest quality of IT solutions available. We understand how frustrating it can be trying to resolve issues on your own during a time a need and stress or when you have a pressing deadline. Instead, we encourage you to reach out to our helpdesk for further assistance and we’d be more than happy to help guide you to a solution.

Management and Monitoring

When errors or suspicious activity occurs with your technology devices or systems, we can be the first ones to alert you. We help with urgent and immediate issues that can cause disruptions to the workplace or compromise the integrity of the data and information being worked with. While you’re working and using our systems, we take the initiative to manage and monitor any out-of-ordinary activity so you don’t have to.
