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Voice Over IP
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Voice over IP, or voice over internet protocol, is a system that allows you to make phone calls using the internet. This is a new technology that has been developed over the past few years, making it easier for individuals to contact one another without the need for standard service lines or dial-up connections. Nowadays, phone calls can quickly be made from computer to computer or from computer to other devices and provide just as much coverage and speed as standard data calls.

Modern Phone Calls

Voice over IP is what’s seen today as the modern phone call, adequate for mobile devices and even other smart devices to mobile phones. The combinations are endless when it comes to how calls can be made using the internet connection versus dial-up lines or generic telephone lines. The fee to make these certain calls is also different than what it might sometimes be over data-based phone calls, as internet-based calls to other internet-based devices doesn’t usually require monetary fees deducted from your monthly phone allowance. Instead, voice over IP are the preferred choice for those making friend-to-friend phone calls on their smartphones or devices to deter from international rates or excessive phone bills that accumulate minutes.

Analog Telephone Adapter

An analog telephone adapter allows you to connect your regular phone line to an internet-based system to make calls that way. This type of device is handy for those that need to make several calls or generated calls, as the information can then be operated and managed on the computer or smart device with which it is attached to. The analog telephone adapter uses modern technology to convert the standard data calls into internet-based ones so that you can make more calls with less fees or data usage.

IP Phones

IP phones are smartphones that look similar to standard phones but operate slightly differently. These phones allow the caller to attach microphones and headsets to the device to make quick and efficient internet calls via the mobile device. This allows for you to operate the device as you would a normal phone but with the connectivity device that you can attach to the localized router. The calls are then dialed and made through the Ethernet cable connection and via the internet, saving you the data usage of standard calls.

Computer Calls

Computer calls can be made to any other device, whether it be a voice over IP or another computer. They’re great for those looking to make several long-distance calls because the fees incurred from traditional phone lines are often more expensive and can add up over time. When computer calls are made, the international fee for the service is typically free. To operate computer calls, the computer will require a microphone and working internet, as well as a software service, to fully make the calls and connect all the way through. The software service can track your usage and also store phone call data within its system that you may need for future calls.
